
Nutrition Counseling 

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Personalized nutrition counseling sessions with a Registered Dietitian (RD) are available onsite at the WAY clinic or online via Zoom.  We support individuals with a variety of goals, symptoms, and medical conditions while taking all aspects of lifestyle into consideration.
Our providers take time to learn about your health history, current habits and priorities, and your nutrition and health goals.  Then, we will help you develop a plan with action steps, realistic timelines, and strategies for overcoming barriers.

weight loss series

Reset & Rebalance: Weight Loss

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There is a lot of information out there about nutrition, health, and wellness. Our interactive program will help you reset your nutrition knowledge and rebalance your health behaviors to empower you to become the healthy person you envision.  The Reset & Rebalance for Weight Loss program is entirely tailored to you: your vision of health, eating foods you enjoy, and setting you up on a path for long-term success. You’ll learn how to build a balanced plate, and how other factors such as metabolism, inflammation, stress and emotions, sleep, and movement also impact weight, vitality, and overall health.


Program details:

  • The class series begins the week of Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
    • Online group classes are held on Tuesdays at 4 pm ET / 1 pm PT or on Thursdays at 12 pm ET / 9 am PT.  You choose the time each week that works best for your schedule!
  • A fully customizable yet systematic approach with layers of personalized support.
  • Comprehensive workbook with activities and resources to tailor the program to your lifestyle, taste preferences, cooking skills, and budget.
  • Meetings with a Registered Dietitian (RD), who supports your weight loss goals by providing patient-centered nutrition counseling and education that is specific to your lifestyle and whatever is on your mind.