Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist
Kevin Miller is a Licensed and Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, based in Greensboro, NC. He works with patients and corporate wellness clients online via telehealth.
Practicing over a decade as a dietitian, Kevin has gained experience with various health conditions in multiple settings, including behavioral health, the intensive care unit, outpatient endocrinology and diabetes, and providing education to stroke and ostomy patient support groups. The patients he supports in his practice today reflect this diversity.
Kevin excels at counseling patients with health goals ranging from lowering cholesterol or managing blood sugar to maintaining a high quality of life with challenging health conditions or improving gut health and feeling more comfortable after meals. One of his favorite parts of his work is learning how a healthy relationship with food looks different for each of us. He also works with patients who are navigating the challenges of disordered eating and eating disorders. While Kevin has knowledge and expertise in many areas and is glad to bring evidence-based care to his patients, he finds it most rewarding to work alongside them to find the eating and lifestyle behaviors that feel best for them.
Dietetics is not Kevin’s first career; he’s worked at a nature preserve, has been a cooperative extension agent, and taught high school before returning for a master’s degree in public health and nutrition to go with biology, botany, and forestry degrees. A love of science and an interest in how food profoundly affects our mental, emotional, and physical health led him to want to become a dietitian. However, the person-centered and holistic approach to medical nutrition therapy provides Kevin with ongoing satisfaction with his dietetic career. His passion is helping people gain confidence and the sustained experience of a more happy, healthy, and productive life!
Contact Kevin: or 336.355.7128
Kevin Miller is currently accepting new patients