

Online classes to learn more about nutrition and wellness

What is Perseverance?

Perseverance is a series of live, online, nutrition-focused classes intended to help participants make informed, sustainable decisions about their health and lifestyle.  Our Registered Dietitians educate participants on a wide variety of topics – you can learn about meal planning, cooking skills, inflammation, sleep, your relationship with food, stress management, gut health, disease management, and prevention – and the list goes on!  We meet every other Wednesday at noon; sign up to join our program mailing list and join in for any sessions that are most appealing to your interests.


Online classes are held bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm ET on Zoom. Please sign up to receive the login link. 


Upcoming Schedule


Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 12 pm ET: A Plant-Forward Approach to Building Your Plate

It’s no secret that consuming plant-based foods has ample health benefits. With so much conflicting information on this topic, many people are unsure of how to meet their nutrient requirements while approaching a plant-forward, plant-based, vegetarian, or vegan diet. This class will apply to omnivores, vegetarians, pescatarians, and vegans who are interested in incorporating more plant foods.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 12 pm ET: Easily Active

May is National Physical Activity Month! Let’s close out the month by giving yourself movement. The first 30 minutes of class is lecture-based and focused on the barriers and solutions to movement during the warm weather months. The second 30 minutes will be a live workout where we put what we learned into practice. (Appropriate for all activity levels.)


Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 12 pm ET: Fueling Your Lifestyle with Quick & Easy Meals

You need energy to get through the demands of a busy day! Discover the perfect balance of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to fuel your body day in and day out. We’ll provide practical and speedy meal ideas and dining options that provide sustainable energy throughout the day.


These sessions are billable and covered by insurance for most members with Aetna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, and UnitedHealthcare plans.  When you sign up, we will verify your coverage and email you to confirm the details.

If your insurance plan doesn’t cover group classes, the drop-in rate is $15 per class.


Please contact info@summerfieldcw.com with any questions.